Penn/RESIST/Peradeniya War Problems Questionnaire (PRPWPQ), Depression and Anxiety Sub-Sections of War-Related Psychological and Behavioral Problems

Information about Measure
First Name Nuwan
Last Name Jayawickreme
Affiliation Manhattan College
Other means of contacting author (e.g., website,, ResearchGate)
Mental health assessment tool that was adapted/developed/validated The Penn/RESIST/Peradeniya War Problems Questionnaire, with included Depression and Anxiety Sub-Sections of War-Related Psychological and Behavioral Problems
Mental health condition assessed Anxiety and Depression
Idiom of distress included, if any All items derived from qualitative interviews and exploratory factor analysis. Idioms used include “disgust in life” , “thinking a lot about my past (old memories), causing psychological confusion”, and “inability to make decisions (not knowing what to talk and what not to talk”
Lifestage of interest Adult (General)
Age range (age – age)
Country or countries where tool was developed/adapted/validated Sri Lanka
Language(s) of the adapted/developed/validated tool Tamil
Clinical or community sample? Clinical
Subpopulation in which tool was developed/validated (e.g., tool was developed and tested among middle-class women)? Tamil individuals who were receiving psychosocial assistance at local clinics
Development procedures Culturally adapted, validated, and locally developed
If validated, what was the gold standard?
Description of other development procedures, if applicable
Cronbach’s alpha .88  -.93
Other information about tool (e.g., additional psychometrics [NPV, PPV, Youden’s index, diagnostic odds ratio]) This locally developed tool assesses anxiety and depression symptoms related to wartime experiences in Tamil communities.


Cronbach’s alpha for the anxiety (.93) depression (.92) and negative perceptions (.88) was performed.

Regression analysis performed  comparing the amount of functional impairment (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule WHODAS) predicted by the PRPWPQ vs. gold-standard scales of anxiety and depressive symptoms (PTSD Symptom Scale–Self Report and the Beck Depression Inventory). PRPWPQ predicted WHODAS over and above PSS and BDI.

Links to development/adaptation/validation studies and/or previous studies using the tool


Jayawickreme, N., Jayawickreme, E., Atanasov, P., Goonasekera, M. A., & Foa, E. B. (2012). Are culturally specific measures of trauma-related anxiety and depression needed? The case of Sri Lanka. Psychological Assessment, 24(4), 791-800.
Notes when administering the tool The tool should be administered in a clinical setting.